Calm Mind

Finding calm in a noisy world

Finding calm in a noisy world

What if I told you that the secret to finding stress relief and calm was to stop trying to get calm or relaxed?

I'm not saying that lying on a beach, taking a vacation or going to the spa are the wrong things to do. They have a place in our life and are important. But when it comes to meditation and finding ways to relax and calm down, the last thing you want to do is say to yourself: “Man I’m feeling stressed. It feels like my head is spinning. I have to find a way to clear my busy mind.” 

One of the biggest myths about meditation is the belief that you have to somehow empty your head of thoughts, and achieve a kind of 'uber-focus' - like a zen monk.....

How to calm the voice in your head

How to calm the voice in your head

I was heading to an appointment not long ago, it was one of those rare days when I wasn't rushing to get somewhere on time.

As I eased my way into the busy waiting room, I noticed there was only a short line-up at reception. What a stroke of luck! I headed straight over to register.

After letting the receptionist know I'd arrived, I asked her how she was doing? I knew a little bit about her, I knew she was interested in running or jogging at one time. So I casually asked her if she had done any running lately?

She shared with me that she hadn't been running nor had she been to the gym lately.  I remember the look on her face, she looked resigned and disappointed.

It's what happened next that I really want to share with you...