Why weaving a parachute every day might change your life

Why weaving a parachute every day might change your life

Jon Kabat-Zinn wrote, "Make sure you weave your parachute every day, rather than leave it to the time you have to jump out of the plane."

Excellent advice for skydivers and pilots. Is it also good advice for those of us who remain earthbound?

I was sitting in a room with 12 strangers, taking part in a Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction course, when I first heard about...

When do people really start to live?

When do people really start to live?

It was an ordinary day. I was at work. My phone rang.  

When I looked at the screen it said it was my doctor. I answered it and she asked, "Where are you?"  I said I was at work. "Can you find somewhere private to go... right now?" I found a small room and shut the door. "I don't know how to tell you this... but you have a rare, aggressive and advanced cancer." 

In so few words, everything changed...

3 ways to reinvent work-life balance

3 ways to reinvent work-life balance

I struggled to find work-life balance, both as a single person and a married mum with young kids. I worked hard, didn't look after myself particularly well, got too few hours sleep, didn't spend enough time with my family and spent a lot of money on things I didn't need. Oh and I also happened to eat 3-4 tubs of Haagen-Dazs every week.

I became vaguely aware over the years, of a slight nagging...

What does success mean?

What does success mean?

I have never been a quitter. I've always been a fighter. My fighting (or feisty) spirit, as friends would say, has served me for better or worse and in more ways than one. When it comes to quitting, I used to think it meant you were giving up, admitting defeat unwilling to persevere through hard times. Then I discovered that sometimes the smartest thing to do is to walk away. There's a time to quit and time to stay. The difficulty is...